As we all know, Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours, but you can make sure they have a permanent impact on our audience.
How can you do this?
By understanding your Instagram Stories Analytics and learning how to measure the performance of your Instagram Stories.
Measuring the key performance metrics is very important because it allows you to analyze Stories that drive the most engagement, tackle pain points, increase brand awareness, and segment your audience to deliver the right message to the right people.
Are you ready to discover some helpful Instagram stories insights?
I'm going to present you Instagram Stories Analytics and how to use the Instagram Story metrics to improve your Instagram Stories performance.
Let's start!
Instagram Stories analytics explained
- What's the difference between Instagram Story's reach and impressions?
- How to improve your Stories interactions?
- How to use Instagram Story analytics to understand your audience behavior?
- Engagement on Instagram Stories
- Why is the discovery section important?
- How to optimize your Instagram Story strategy based on your Instagram Stories inisghts?
1. What's the difference between Instagram Story's reach and impressions?
These two social media metrics are crucial for the evaluation of Instagram Stories, helping you estimate the size of your audience.
These days people are more willing to watch a Story than liking a simple picture on your Instagram feed. They want to see real people talking about real problems, showing real life.
So the big question is: what is the main distinction between reach and impression?
Reach represents the number of unique users that saw your Instagram Stories on any given day.
Impression represents the total number of times your stories have been viewed.
Note! In some cases, one person can view your stories three times. Therefore, if you post a story and reach two people who viewed it eight times, insight will reveal two reach and eight impressions.
In most cases, Instagram Stories usually have lower reach rates and higher impression rates. Your Instagram Story's reach rate will depend on the size of your audience.
Why is important to measure reach and impressions on Instagram Stories?
These social media metrics are essential because they will enable you to analyze the quality of your Instagram stories and posting frequency.
For instance, if you notice a sudden drop in reach, it may be because your Instagram stories are bouncy or blurry and need to upgrade to give your audience the quality stories they are looking for.
It will also help you develop a pre-determined schedule of when to post your Instagram stories, for each day or week.
Our Instagram Stories Study reveals that both reach and impression rates increase to over 50% once viewers reach the 8th story per day, growing several percentages with each story.
How's this for some helpful Instagram stories insights?
2. How to improve your Stories interactions?
This Instagram Story metric indicates how your audience interacts with your Stories.
You can use many features to boost interaction rate: mention someone in your story, add location, use the questions sticker and poll, use hashtags, among many others.
This metric will help you accurately assess how well your Stories perform in terms of interactions and engaging with your audience.
3. How to use Instagram Story analytics to understand your audience's behavior?
The completion rate lets you know how many people watch your entire Stories.' This metric applies to more than one Story uploaded on your business profile.
To calculate the completion rate of your Instagram Stories, you need to apply some arithmetics or follow this formula: divide the number of viewers of your last Story by the number of people who saw your first post.
This metric tells you the number of individuals who have watched your Story from the start to the end. This feature is divided into four categories: taps back, taps forward, next Story, and exit.
Taps forward are the number of taps that your audience has made to see the next video or photos you posted in your story.
Taps back are the number of taps that your audience has made to see your previous video and photo in your story.
Exits tell you how many users exited before the Instagram story ended. Many scenarios can cause exits. Some of these situations include user closing their Instagram app while viewing your story. The user moved to another story by swiping left, users clicking on the X button to cancel your story, and users swiping down to go back to the main feed section.
Moving on, with more helpful Instagram stories insights, according to our Instagram Stories study, the highest exit rates happen within the first 3 stories, after which considerably fewer viewers drop off.
So make sure you create engaging Stories with a strong message.
4. Engagement on Instagram Stories
The engagement on Instagram Stories is defined by the swipes-up and the number of replies.
Swipe up - when it comes to measuring ROI, one of the most valuable features to utilize is swiping up CTA.
You can use CTA Stories to share valuable content, link viewers to full stories, drive your audience to your online shop, or introduce new products to your audience.
Replies represent the number of DMs you've been received as a result of a Story. Just like the number of back taps, this is a good measure of positive engagement. A controversial story might get lots of angry messages too!
5. Why is the discovery section important?
Just as the name suggests, this Instagram insights helps to indicate where your post was discovered or seen the most.
It also shows how many users that were not following you when they first saw the post were.
It includes metrics on impression and reflects the number of times that your story was discovered from a particular place within Instagram, including a search, user's home feed, a hashtag, location tag, or from your profile.
Discovery metrics are also important Instagram stories insights because they include data on post reach and shows the number of unique accounts that saw your post.
6. How to optimize your Instagram Story strategy based on your Instagram Story Insights?
Instagram Stories analytics are your most efficient way of discovering what your top-performing Instagram Stories were, offering a helpful direction into what type of content you should try to replicate.
Besides, through Instagram Stories analytics you ca easily gather information about your audiences and what they like.
Use the feedback your customers sent over when interacting with your Stories - either through replies, or answers given to your questions, polls, or whatever features you have used in your Instagram Stories.
Although many times social media managers struggle with creating new social media content, in many occasions a brand’s social communities are a great source of inspiration, by highlighting what they needs and questions are.
Final thoughts
Are you using Instagram Stories? What Instagram Stories analytics do you follow? What other Instagram stories insights would you like to discover?
Let me know in the comments below, and make sure you read my handbook "Your Guide to Stories" - a handbook that will help you create Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn Stories like a pro.
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* This article was originally published here
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